Friday, September 23, 2011

How can i redirect one page of my website to another?

I have an advert linking to a page that i no longer use and want to make it so when people click on the link and go to this page they get taken to my home page instead. How would i do this?

I'm unable to just change the link URL.How can i redirect one page of my website to another?put the following code into the page you want to redirect from...

%26lt;meta http-equiv=%26quot;REFRESH%26quot; content=%26quot;0;url=>

It needs to be between the %26lt;Head%26gt; and %26lt;/head%26gt; tags.How can i redirect one page of my website to another?code works great all it is is this


%26lt;meta http-equiv=%26quot;REFRESH%26quot; content=%26quot;0;url=http://Yourpage?br>

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How can i redirect one page of my website to another?If you're hosting your site on Apache, you can write a .htaccess file and put it in the root directory of your site. The .htaccess file should contain something like:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^old\.html$ new.html

For more information on how to write rewriting rules, check out the Apache documentation.