Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How can i change my affiliate link so that i remain my id but it is not seen?

Maybe it is a stupid question but i am new to affiliate marketing and i need to earn living somehow because i lost my job and the situation is bad.

Because of this i need you help is it possible to make this link %26lt;a href='http://marketingisfun.join.click2s?Up%26lt;/a%26gt; looking like this but still remain my affiliate id in it but just that it is not seen.

I really appriciate every help you can give me.How can i change my affiliate link so that i remain my id but it is not seen?Independent from server and domain name, you can create a set of basic html files with a JavaScript refresh tag to the affiliate links. This way you can set a timing of 1 second and even add your own analytics code to the pages...

Your redirects will work, when visitors mouse over your links they will see a page within your own website and best of all you can see through Google analytics the traffic each redirect page gets... Depending on your structure you can create 1 redirect per link/or product and track them individually :-) No need to buy new domain and worry with advanced programing! Good luck

Below code example (for my privacy I replaced my Google ids for XXXX) I also have a conversion code:






timeout = '1750'; // milliseconds/1000th of a sec

window.onload = setTimeout(myRedirect, timeout); // ensure we load the whole page

function myRedirect() {

window.location = %26quot;YOUR AFFILIATE LINKS HERE%26quot;;




%26lt;!-- Google Code for SentTraffic Conversion Page --%26gt;

%26lt;script language=%26quot;JavaScript%26quot; type=%26quot;text/javascript%26quot;%26gt;


var google_conversion_id = XXXXXXXX;

var google_conversion_language = %26quot;en_US%26quot;;

var google_conversion_format = %26quot;3%26quot;;

var google_conversion_color = %26quot;ffffff%26quot;;

var google_conversion_label = %26quot;XXXXXXXX%26quot;;



%26lt;script language=%26quot;JavaScript%26quot; src=%26quot;



%26lt;img height=%26quot;1%26quot; width=%26quot;1%26quot; border=%26quot;0%26quot; src=%26quot;


%26lt;script type=%26quot;text/javascript%26quot;%26gt;

var gaJsHost = ((%26quot;https:%26quot; == document.location.protocol) ? %26quot;https://ssl.%26quot; : %26quot;http://www.%26quot;);

document.write(unescape(%26quot;%3Cscript src='%26quot; + gaJsHost + %26quot;' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E%26quot;)?br>

%26lt;script type=%26quot;text/javascript%26quot;%26gt;

try {

var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(%26quot;UA-XXXXXX%26quot;);


} catch(err) {}%26lt;/script%26gt;


%26lt;/html%26gt;How can i change my affiliate link so that i remain my id but it is not seen?I suggest you to buy a new domain name like or on web site. Price is about 10$ a year, it's really not expensive!

After you will buy your domain you need to forward your affiliate link to your new domain name.

How you can do it?

1. To Forward a Domain log in to your Account Manager.

2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.

3. Use the checkbox(es) to select the domain name(s) you want to modify.

4. Click Forward.

5. Select Enable forwarding.

6. In the Forward to field, enter the URL to which you want to forward your domain name(s) (this mean your affiliate link http://marketingisfun.join.click2s.....)

7. In the Redirect type area, select one of the following:

301 Moved Permanently

Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a %26quot;301 Moved Permanently%26quot; HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has permanently moved.

302 Found (Temporary Redirect)

Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a %26quot;302 Found%26quot; HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.

8. Click OK.

I'm an affiliate marketer and always using this method to mask my affiliate links.

Good luck!How can i change my affiliate link so that i remain my id but it is not seen?If you are running on an linux based server running apache, you can use html redirects to do that.

The code to do so would look something like:

%26lt;IfModule mod_rewrite.c%26gt;

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^nice-url$ http://affiliate-url [L]


Consult the rewrite docs for full details on the RewriteBase entry and the RewriteRule.

Once done, you can use clean urls and have apache automatically redirect them to affiliate urls, without subscribing to any outside service.

Do some searching for apache rewrite rule and you should find quite a few sites with helpful information to get it working for you properly.