Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc. The carbon footprint is a measurement of all greenhouse gases we individually produce and has units of tonnes (or kg) of carbon dioxide equivalent.How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?The geologic record shows that atmospheric C02 and temperatures do have a correlation. However, the record shows that the earth warms first, then CO2 levels rise. High C02 levels are the result, not the cause.

Further, the worst plagues and starvation that have occurred in human history are a result of colder temperatures. The greatest expansion of life on this planet occurred when C02 and temperatures were much higher than they are now.

Finally, it does not matter whether the earth warms or cools, humans do not have enough impact to make a difference. Carbon dioxide makes up less than 1 percent of the atmosphere, and human activity affects a very small percentage of that 1 percent.How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?Satellites and ground stations have both measured changes in the heat flow into and out of the atmosphere like the laws of physics say you will get from greenhouse gases.

Less longwave radiation is escaping to space, and more is going back downwards. Less radiation escaping to space means less heat escaping, so energy builds up in the atmosphere and raises temperatures.

Showing CO2 causes warming is as close to fact as science ever gets. Demonstrating how much warming is due to CO2 is more difficult because the climate reacts in very complicated ways (eg more water vapour, another greenhouse gas, evaporates. Ice sheets melt and reduce how reflective Earth is etc).How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?Co2 is simple natural plant food provided by nature when the sun warms the world. As the sun warms the planet the sun also warms the worlds oceans where nature stores co2 when the climate is cold. As the worlds oceans warm during solar maximums they release co2 to assist expanding vegetation to have greater amounts of this gas so they can produce more oxygen for humans and animals/ Unfortunately liberal minds are not Intelligent enough to comprehend this simple natural cycle and because their minds are slow notice that warmth causes more co2 and so blame the aftereffect of warming for the warming caused by the sun. But then everybody knows liberal minds are not very intelligent do they not?

Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it.

Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?There is no DIRECT evidence. Tests in labs have shown that CO2 does indeed keep heat from escaping and that has to be applied in obvious (to some) ways in nature. The earth is too complex a system to say exactly how much the planet warms due only to a certain amount of CO2- there are too many other variables in the equation. The non direct evidence is pretty good though- almost as good as saying salt causes heart attacks, which it doesn't directly. Salt causes heart disease, which causes heart attacks.How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?If you have a couple of minutes, read this informative website detailing the greenhouse effect. do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?We know that there is no scientific Evidence that proves this.How do we know climate change is linked to CO2 in the atmosphere?Al Gore said so, so it must be true.