I made a dynamic MP3 player in Flash and am trying to embed it in an HTML file with no luck. It seems that when implementing dynamic Flash, it is requiring that I keep the HTML file and the Flash files all in the same folder. I am trying to make it to where all my Flash files are in a Flash folder, with different names for each folder, with the files inside. When I do this, my dynamic content never shows up. I end up with a folder full of all sorts of files, which is not very organized. Is it possible to store say, the index.html file in the root of the site, and then have the Flash in a different folder? If so, how? I have tried everything, changing links in Dreamweaver, changing paths in AS, with no luck.Do dynamic Flash files HAVE to be in the same folder as the HTML file to embed?you can have the swf anywhere you want, but the paths of files loaded by the swf will be relative to your html, not the swf!
so if your index.html is in the root folder, and your swf in flash folder (inside the root folder) and your mp3's in the mp3 folder inside your flash folder, the swf alone would load an mp3 like %26quot;mp3/song1.mp3%26quot; but when it is embedded in the html, the path needs to be %26quot;flash/mp3/song1.mp3%26quot;