%26lt;img src=%26quot;the_file.jpg%26quot; style=%26quot;cursor:pointer%26quot;%26gt;How do I make the cursor change to the hand when it's over a picture as if it were over a link in a webpage?That's strange. I used Firefox ( for testing. It changes from the Arrow to the Hand with my exact img code. Very weird indeed.
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How do I make the cursor change to the hand when it's over a picture as if it were over a link in a webpage?Can you make the picture a link? If so, that will work.How do I make the cursor change to the hand when it's over a picture as if it were over a link in a webpage?In CSS:%26lt;style type=text/css%26gt;
Sadly stupid IE doesn't support anything but links on hover.... Maybe IE7 willl be up to standards.