Friday, June 3, 2011

With frames in html, how do you make one link change the other frame?

ok if you're using html frames, and you have 2 frames, one with like links and the other with normal pages, and you have a link in the left frame %26amp; you want it to make the right frame go to that page, how do you do it? when i do it, it just makes the left frame go to that page %26amp; that's not what i want!!!

thanks so muchWith frames in html, how do you make one link change the other frame?Each frame should have it's own name within the frameset. When you add a link, a href, add the target tag to target=%26quot;frameset#%26quot; where # is the number of the frameset you want to change.With frames in html, how do you make one link change the other frame?Name each frame.

In the HTML link, use the Target= attribute to send the page to the other frame.

Like this: (I replaced the angle brackets with square brackets)

[A HREF=%26quot;somepage.htm%26quot; TARGET=%26quot;mainbody%26quot;]Some descriptive text here[/a]