Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How do i change my d-link router settings to allow a stronger connection to my wireless objects?

I recently purchased a d-link router and followed the instruction cd and have it fully installed. My internet on m home computer with dsl connection is now working fine on the internet. My laptop connects and has full sinal but reads little or no connectivity connected with limted access. How do I a change the d-link settings to allow full access or b configure my laptop to work better. My laptop connects to many other wifis easily with no problems. What I have discoved so far is my weak connection possibly deals with my laptop not receiving the correct ip address or the dhcp setting on my laptop. I have windows vista and if you could give me great detail on how to check all of the above and what my settings should be if both the dhcp and ip needs changed. When I ran a ipcongif on my laptop I received a weird ip that was not even close to the routers ip and the dhcp was not enabled and I have not figured how to enable it.How do i change my d-link router settings to allow a stronger connection to my wireless objects?Well, delete the WIRELESS PROFILE in Vista and reconnect!

This is usually caused by non-mathing security settings, or NO security settings which Vista doesn't like at all.

The easiest fix is:

1.Log back into the router and CHANGE the SSID (wireless id)

to something else. Enable Security, put in a password use WPA/TKIP if your card is compatible.

2. Open you laptops wireless connections, click view available networks, click on the %26quot;new SSID%26quot;. It will ask for your password, enter the one you set. You will then connect and should get a good IP. (If not you entered the wrong password or you don't support WPA correctly. So go back to the router and use WEP 128.. repeat the connection.)

Vista doesn't like connecting to the same SSID with no encryption then with encryption so change the SSID at the router. (You can also change wireless frequencies on the router to something beside the default channel, this sometimes will give you better range if there are many access points using the same channel!)

Good Luck - try these, post the results if needed.How do i change my d-link router settings to allow a stronger connection to my wireless objects?ok are you using windows live one care or what type of antiviral software or is your router secured if so go to your main pc or one that is working and try to find your key im sorry i have not been much help i went through the same thing and it took me like two days to get it all figured out it was a combination of several thingsHow do i change my d-link router settings to allow a stronger connection to my wireless objects?Limited or no connectivity stems from your wireless card being able to connect to the router but not to be able to authenticate.

Your router must have WEP or some other encryption selected.

In order to connect with full capability, you must supply the authentication method and the password to the Network Interface card.

Good luck.